Thursday, July 17, 2008

My First Time

Wow. This is my first time attempting to blog. It is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. Guess I will just jump right in and wonder if anyone will actually end up reading this thing.

I am constantly writing my thoughts down in notebooks that are scattered all over the house. Some people have doilies on every table... I have cheap notebooks from the dollar store. Actually, I was supposed to be a great writer one day... at least that is what my teachers always said. Though my grades were average, I did extremely well in writing contests and honor programs.

Then something happened... life.

My 20 high school reunion is coming up this fall, and I started thinking about all of the hopes and dreams that I used to have and how I have achieved none of them. Well, I do have three incredible kids... but the loving husband thing hasn't happened unless you count having two ex-husbands who were into loving themselves and other women over making a good family life for the rest of us. I am in the process of starting a business with my family since I never quite found that one job which fulfilled me. (other than motherhood and we all know how much that pays!)

And my health sucks! I know that there are other almost 40's out there like me who eat healthy, get exercise, and do not engage in overly detrimental activities yet still end up with health issues while other people we know do not do a darn thing healthy in their life except make sure there is lettuce and tomato on their triple cheeseburger and ketchup on their fries (vegetables you know).

But things could always be worse... and that is a statement that should never be made because just as we all know the sun will rise, saying that things could be worse will always ensure that things will get worse...

So, I ought to have an abundance of material for my rants...

1 comment:

Poetic Painter said...

Randomly came across your page...just thought I'd say "hi" to let you know people do actually end up reading it...welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!